GLP FInancial Group

Drew Kocoves

National Recruiting Director

Drew has been with GLP for over 8 years, starting as an intern in 2014 he quickly climbed the ladder to becoming The National Recruiting Director in 2019. While Drew’s focus is recruiting, he still loves working with clients, helping them find the right retirement solution that best fits their needs. When Drew isn’t working with agents and clients at GLP, he is enjoying time out on the golf course and hockey rink.

Licences Held: SIE, Series 6, Series 63

BrokerCheck Profile

Cody Alberto
Head of Design

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Aenean faucibus nibh et justo cursus id rutrum lorem imperdiet. Nunc ut sem vitae risus tristique posuere.

We're Hiring: Production Manager
Brooklyn Simmons
Head of Design


GLP Financial Group
33335 Grand River Avenue
Farmington, MI 48336